Thursday, August 6, 2015

Google's Developer Group launches Women Techmakers programme

KOCHI: Tech monster Google's Developer Group held hands with Startup Village to dispatch 'Ladies Techmakers' (WTM), a worldwide program and brand for ladies in innovation.

The system, initiated by MLAs Hibi Eden, K S Sabarinath and Shafi Parambil, goes for building a stage for young ladies business people where they can join, be roused and empower one another.

Sabarinath, who made a presentation on 'Innovation for Social Development', said a wide crevice exists between individuals who use innovation and who don't.

"We ought to guarantee that the improvement in innovation permeates uniformly to all individuals and they harvest advantage out of it. There ought to be an 'innovation swaraj'," he said.

Agreeing with him, Shafi Parambil said business enterprise is all in regards to conveying thoughts to reality.

"Ladies assume an essential part in the public eye and we have to guarantee more ladies taking up enterprise by changing their thoughts into business wanders. WTM will develop as a flawless stage for ladies to grasp innovation to accomplish their goals," he said.

Hibi Eden said ladies ought to leave their shell and change their mentalities keeping in mind the end goal to be a piece of the blasting innovation biological community.

"Stages like WTM will doubtlessly help young ladies to join a worldwide group where they can learn and trade thoughts," he noted.

Startup Village Chairman Sanjay Vijayakumar and CEO Pranav Kumar Suresh likewise talked on the event.

"Our point is to elevate sexual orientation uniformity to ladies in innovation business enterprise. The system is gone for giving more certainty and presentation to young ladies business visionaries and understudies through Google programs," Vijayakumar said.

WTM will help the seeking ladies IT business people to be a piece of a strong group and partner with the similar individuals, pioneers and tutors.

It will likewise encourage the ladies business people to join different innovation occasions like code-labs and hackathons.

bhaskar mahadheer.

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